Upcoming Opportunities to Participate:
Online Kick-Off Event
Resident working group members are encouraged to attend to meet other group members, learn about your important role and how to participate.
Meeting ID: 842 7345 7255
Passcode: 361749
Phone option: +17193594580,84273457255#
Click HERE for instructions on how to use Zoom.
Questions? Contact OVPathForward@orovalleyaz.gov.
Community Character, Arts and Culture Meeting #1
Residents participating in this meeting will provide additional guidance and generate ideas to address resident priorities related to the community's character, arts and culture.
The meeting will be online from 5:30-7:30 PM. Zoom link will be posted soon.
Community, Arts and Culture Meeting #2
Residents participating in this meeting will provide additional guidance and generate ideas to address resident priorities related to the community's character, arts and culture.
The meeting will be online from 5:30-7:30 PM. Zoom link will be posted soon.