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Way to go Oro Valley!

Since October, Oro Valley residents have provided 8,900+ responses to help shape OV’s future. Whether you took the BIG Community Survey, stopped at a booth at your favorite restaurant, or joined online…. YOUR VOICE MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

Oro Valley’s quality of life is the focus of this action planning effort, which is divided into three steps. This “Let’s talk” first step is focused on listening to residents’ ideas and perspectives.

Way to go Oro Valley!

Since October, Oro Valley residents have provided 8,900+ responses to help shape OV’s future. Whether you took the BIG Community Survey, stopped at a booth at your favorite restaurant, or joined online…. YOUR VOICE MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

Oro Valley’s quality of life is the focus of this action planning effort, which is divided into three steps. This “Let’s talk” first step is focused on listening to residents’ ideas and perspectives.

Page last updated: 09 Sep 2024, 08:25 AM